Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's time

Where I work is sometimes stressful. I'm quite certain many can relate to this. I discovered that writing letters can sometimes relieve the stress, even if they will never be read by the person to whom they were intended to be sent.

This does not stop me from sharing them with you.

1 comment:

  1. I came to your site because I saw your "name" and had to laugh. When my husband walks around with his head up his butt, we refer to that person as his "evil twin Skippy!" lol

    That being said, I just read through your blogs and have been lmao through them all. While I am now disabled, I had a job VERY similar to what yours appears to be and in reading them, had MANY "OMG YES!" moments. The way they are written almost guarantees that I have tears running down my face as I nod with commiseration.
