Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Cow-orker,

Every year we try to give you the nice perk of free branded clothing. Note the adjective "branded." We do this because we thought perhaps you might appreciate having free wardrobe, and thought the small onus of wearing our logo was not a difficult one to accept. We even allow you to choose the logo to be whatever you wish, up to and including matching the fabric of the item you're planning to wear.

This year we thought we'd offer you even more options, by creating an online store through the vendor, which would allow you the freedom to have items sent directly to your home, as well as grant you privacy about what size you might be needing. Do not abuse our generosity by trying to purchase clothing without a logo. You cannot do this. Yes, I know the website allows you to do it, but what will happen is you will get a call from the vendor, telling you that you can't, and by the way, you now owe an additional $5.95 for the logo; pay up. This delays your order. Do not further abuse our generosity by attempting to get a logo on the sleeve, back or hem of your item. Again, this will only further delay your order, as the vendor will have to change your order to left side chest.

Seriously, people. This is why we can't have nice things.

No love,
