Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Dimwitted Consultant -

I am not sure how it is you are considered to be an expert in IT, as a simple fax machine appears to be beyond you. Let me explain how it works. Just as the picture on the machine indicates, you are to place your papers face up. This way, your intended party doesn't receive a bunch of blank sheets of paper. Also, as I told you, you must dial 9 for an outside line, just as you do on your regular phone. Also, if it's long distance, you have to dial a 1. No, you dial the 9 first, and then the 1. Don't forget the area code. No, you dial the 9 first. Then the 1. Then the area code. And then the number. Have you forgotten how to call someone from a POTS line? Sweet jesus, do you people get stupider the more letters you have following the end of your name? PhD for you stands for Phony Dumbass, doesn't it.

No love,


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